Hatz checkout needed

A general discussion area where you can talk about the various flying characteristics of the Hatz and Kelly-D.
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Hatz checkout needed

Post by flyswatter24 »

I've almost finished building my Hatz Bantam, NX210HB, and need to be checked out. EAA
insurance suggests either a checkout in a Hatz, any type, or a Great Lakes, which has
dimensions similar to a Hatz. Is there anyone who can check me out or who knows a
Great Lakes owner/pilot? Thanks.
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Joined: Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:11 pm

Re: Hatz checkout needed

Post by mtaylor »

where are you located? How much tail wheel time do you have, in what and how long ago?
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Re: Hatz checkout needed

Post by hatz215 »

I would think back seat in almost any tandem taildragger would do. Back seat Cub time is hard to beat because of the lack of visibility with someone sitting in front of you. The Hatz is pretty easy to land but a little tougher than front seat in a Champ/Citabria. A Luscombe is an excellent TW trainer because it's a little quicker than the other 'puddlejumpers'. What is your experience in?

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Re: Hatz checkout needed

Post by flyswatter24 »

Northwestern Illinois. 1800 hrs., mostly in a Cessna 185 and some Taylorcraft time.
Last flew left seat August, 1992.
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Re: Hatz checkout needed

Post by mtaylor »

Looks like you pretty much got the tail wheel thing locked down, just need to get some current time, and I would say at least 3 or more hours, considering it's been 20 years since any serious left seat flying. I agree, stick time in a Luscombe is good stick time for tail wheel. I've done a lot of flying in T crafts. I've never flown a Great Lakes but it looks like it would be a good option. The best option would be another Hatz. There are Hatzes around you, I would think. Ask around some local EAA chapters and on this forum. If not, I'm kind of far away just east of Cincinnati, Ohio. My field is soggy. probably will be for the next month. But if you can get here later in May, I'd fly with you. I spent several years as an EAA flight advisor with my local EAA chapter.

Good luck
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Re: Hatz checkout needed

Post by flyswatter24 »

Becoming currant again will come first. By May NX210HB will be ready for it's airworthiness
inspection, then some Hatz/Great Lakes time. Thanks for the offer; with business and family
it will be late June before I'll be free.
Posts: 255
Joined: Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:11 pm

Re: Hatz checkout needed

Post by mtaylor »

David, be sure to keep July 26 & 27 open for Brodhead! Lots of Hatz time there!
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