Makelan Email Contacts?

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Makelan Email Contacts?

Post by jptowey2 »

Hi --
Getting ready to pull trigger and buy plans. I tried using the emails for Makelan on the web.. and - - however kept getting a delivery notification error. Anyone know if there are alternate emails I should use to contact Makelan?

It could be my end, but all other emails seem to be getting in and out of my side ok. I do have call into them, but understand they may prefer email?

Any insights would be appreciated....

Thanks in advance!
Hatz Classic Plan #187
Sandwich, MA
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Re: Makelan Email Contacts?

Post by jptowey2 »

Ok, sorry for the nuisance post..

I opened up the delivery notification error and then looked a bit closer at their website. They seem to have an alias that is different than the displayed address on the website. I think when attempting to send it got blocked by my brower.

I retried at and (where the alias seems to point) and it seemed to transmit fine. I'll let you know if I still have problems.

Looking forward to getting the plans and starting this crazy journey....
Hatz Classic Plan #187
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Re: Makelan Email Contacts?

Post by dougm »

HI Jim, is the email address I've been using and had success with. Jeff does have other business ventures going on so he's not always the most responsive regarding Hatz stuff. He will answer you though.
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Re: Makelan Email Contacts?

Post by Rob »

Jptowey2, contact me at
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Re: Makelan Email Contacts?

Post by jptowey2 »

hi Doug, Thanks and all set! Plans ordered. I did speak with Sylvia as well, very nice lady. Looking forward to pouring over the plans for awhile.

Hatz Classic Plan #187
Sandwich, MA
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