Where is everybody?

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Where is everybody?

Post by Dana »

Almost two months into the new year and this is the very first post of the year???

Been a cold snowy New England winter, but today although the ground is still snow covered it got up to almost 50°, though a bit blustery. I played hooky from work this afternoon and pulled the Hatz out for the first time in over two months. Landings were a challenge and unpretty in the gusty crosswind but the airplane is still usable, and I felt better after watching a buddy land his Navion and get blown around even more than me. :o

I wanted to take some pictures of the snowy landscape, but not so much that I wanted to take my gloves off...
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Re: Where is everybody?

Post by Bitshifter »

I met Dana at the Golden Age air Museum in Bethel Pa, he was camped under the wing of his Hatz and I was with a friend nearby in a tent. I am building a Hatz Classic and he was nice enough to give me my first Hatz ride. I can confirm that a 6' 4", 220 lb person can fit in the front of the CB1 but not necessarily comfortably. It was a very cold night and Dana is quite a hearty sole.
Dana, thanks for the ride and hope to fly with you when mine is complete.
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Re: Where is everybody?

Post by mmarien »

Yeah. Way too cold for flying here in Canada. Think Polar Vortex with a promise of melting snow sometime this year yet.
I've been working on my Hatz but not a lot on my my blog. Nothing exciting is happening. I did finish my trim control. A couple of my neighbors suggested that I put a clear side panel on it so the inner workings are visible. I did that and added a Hatz logo.
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Murray Marien - HC 0180
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Re: Where is everybody?

Post by Dana »

Nice... mine is a lever and is very touchy.

The weekend rain washed away most of the snow and it's supposed to get up to 47° on Wednesday, so I'm hoping I can get a quickie in after work if it's not too windy. Fiddled with the tailwheel today, hoping to fix the shimmy I was seeing last time.
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Re: Where is everybody?

Post by wildhorsesracing »

It was finally not raining or toow windy last week so I managed to get a few touch and goes in.
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-Jim Pantas
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Re: Where is everybody?

Post by hatz215 »

I can't believe I used to fly the Hatz routinely in the low thirties. But that was when I was in my low thirties! Now that I'm 62 that's about where I want the temp.

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Re: Where is everybody?

Post by Dana »

40° is my limit, and that's a short flight. Maybe if I get an electrically heated vest and gloves...
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Re: Where is everybody?

Post by wildhorsesracing »

hatz215 wrote:I can't believe I used to fly the Hatz routinely in the low thirties. But that was when I was in my low thirties! Now that I'm 62 that's about where I want the temp.

I agree - I am 59 and that is the temps I look for when I want to fly...
-Jim Pantas
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